Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Government Coercion and Irresponsible Behavior

I just want to add a general comment on one of the contradictions in public policy that is inherent with Social Security. Many people I have spoken with about the need to set up private accounts, or abolish Social Security and Medicare often say something like:" Well, we know you will save for your medical care or retirement, but what are we supposed to do with those who just refuse to behave responsibly? Therefore we must assume that all people will be irresponsible and have the government violate your right to your money and create programs like Social Security."

Okay, let's assume that irresponsible behavior on the part of some requires all of us to surrender our freedom in this area. Let's apply their logic to other areas, like say wiretaps and spying on Americans. "Now we know that you and I would not act in an irresponsible way to commit a crime or a terrorist act, but what are we to do with those that refuse to behave responsibly? Therefore we must assume that all people will behave irresponsibly and have the government violate your right to privacy and allow unlimited unfettered wiretapping and surveillance."

It is funny how many will scream that they do not want their freedoms encroached, unless they are our economic freedoms in which case anything goes.