Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Minnesota's Green Fail

Minnesota’s massive investment in wind power has reduced CO2 emissions from the electricity generation sector slightly, but that reduction has been below average compared with the nation as a whole. Why? Because the most effective way to reduce CO2 emissions, if you think that is a worthy goal, has been to replace coal with natural gas. Wind power has many defects, one of which is that it is windiest in the spring and fall, when demand for electricity is at its low ebb, and least windy in the summer and winter, when electricity demand peaks. So what fills those gaps? In Minnesota, coal does.
So Minnesota’s colossal investment in wind energy has been a total failure, in its own terms–a failure for which the state’s consumers and businesses have paid dearly. Historically, Minnesota enjoyed the advantage of relatively cheap electricity. Generally, electricity prices were around 18% lower in Minnesota than the national average. This was a big deal in a state where some other costs–e.g., the price of heating your home in the winter–were inevitably higher than average.
So what has happened to that 18% price discount during the years when billions have been spent on windmills and transmission lines? It has disappeared. In fact, 2017 is the first year on record in which the price of electricity in Minnesota is above the national average. Way to go, greenies.

Friday, August 11, 2017

On Google and doublethink

Here, I just want to take a step back from the memo controversy, to highlight a paradox at the heart of the ‘equality and diversity’ dogma that dominates American corporate life. The memo didn’t address this paradox directly, but I think it’s implicit in the author’s critique of Google’s diversity programs. This dogma relies on two core assumptions:
  • The human sexes and races have exactly the same minds, with precisely identical distributions of traits, aptitudes, interests, and motivations; therefore, any inequalities of outcome in hiring and promotion must be due to systemic sexism and racism;
  • The human sexes and races have such radically different minds, backgrounds, perspectives, and insights, that companies must increase their demographic diversity in order to be competitive; any lack of demographic diversity must be due to short-sighted management that favors groupthink.
The obvious problem is that these two core assumptions are diametrically opposed.

Friday, July 7, 2017

Monday, May 29, 2017

Rule of Law

"But defenders of the rule of law must be scrupulous about observing that rule’s limitations themselves, even in small matters, because the sole power of the rule of law is that it involves neutral principals that apply to both sides."
You still don't understand. It's too late. Trump was elected to blow it up. Like it or not, Michael Moore's description of the intent of the voters in the upper mid-west was correct. The rule of law is very important - no one on any of these recent threads has disagreed with that obvious point. The problem is that it's been violated with impunity by the leftist political class for most of these commenters' lifetimes.
As an example related to Obamacare, Ted Stevens got convicted of a crime he didn't commit when two leftist, career DOJ lawyers withheld exculpatory evidence - and got referred to the DC Bar by the judge (why don't you check out how often that happens - basically never, so yes it was extremely egregious). Stevens lost his re-election bid despite his conviction being overturned and that loss left the Republicans one seat shy of a filibuster of Obamacare. The example in this article wouldn't exist but for that abuse of the rule of law.
Scooter Libbey was prosecuted in an investigation where there was no crime and the prosecutor knew Armitage was Novak's source before the grand jury issued its first subpoena. Tom Delay was indicted by lefty, Travis County DA Ronnie Earle for allegedly violating a criminal statute that had not even gone into effect on the date of the act he was prosecuted for. When that charge failed to withstand scrutiny, he was convicted by a Travis County jury for money laundering when there was no underlying crime and the soft-for-hard money swap was perfectly legal. After years of appeals, the sham conviction was overturned. I have a democrat friend who worked for him so save any claim that Earle wasn't a true believing leftist, he was and he used the law to abuse a conservative for political reasons.
Then there were the sham John Doe prosecutions in Milwaukee county by the leftist DA whose public unionist wife convinced him to send SWAT teams into the homes of conservatives who worked for organizations that supported Scott Walker. I wonder how the author would feel if Trump sent a SWAT team into her house in the middle of the night for having the temerity to exercise her first amendment rights? Would she say "no harm, no foul let's pretend that we actually live in a country where the rule of law is respected?" I doubt it.
The only limit on my examples of leftist disregard for the rule of law is your attention span. The Obamacare fiasco has seriously harmed the middle class, and that was by design. The leftist unions managed to avoid the Cadillac Tax and have been saved from the ravages of the law. The middle class business owners and professionals who form the bulk of the individual, health insurance market predominantly vote Republican so they were targeted as the bullseye in this obvious effort to destroy the private insurance market.
The rule of law is important. That's why judge shopping, disrespect for the norm of a US District Court limiting any injunctive relief to the district in which the court is located, laughable claims of standing and admissions by plaintiffs' counsel that the travel ban EO would be legal if any other president had issued it are such a travesty. Unfortunately, the left has no respect for the rule of law and the author and the political establishment don't get it.
The political class, including the author, have either participated in, supported or excused banana republic level corruption for decades so appeals to political norms and rule of law are not only laughable, they are impotent.
The Russia Collusion meme was adopted by the left on the morning after the election. Comey is a joke. He abused the rule of law when he decided that the chosen candidate of the political class was above it. He did the same thing when he made the decision to give Sandy Berger a slap on the wrist for stuffing documents into his pants and destroying them at a construction site to hide Clinton administration malfeasance in its failures to deal with terrorism in the lead up to 9/11. The left was for firing Comey before it was against it, to borrow a phrase from one of the fathers of the Iranian nuclear bomb.
It is good that Trump is fighting the left with its own tactics. He didn't create the situation we are in, the political class and the MSM did. It's too late. Deal with the prosecutorial abuse meted out by the left first, and the surveillance (incidental my a$$) and the unmasking and the leaking and the leftist criminality without consequence, then let's talk about Trump.



Every time one of these articles crops up, a cursory glance at the source data it relies on reveals a myriad of flaws in its methods and therefore in its conclusions. It is highly likely that the next time you are confronted by someone claiming that “far-right terrorism” (or some variation of) is a greater threat than Islamic terrorism, they will be citing a report or article that contains most, if not all, of the below errors:
  • A tally which starts after the biggest terror attack committed on U.S. soil.
  • A tally which ends before the deadliest mass shooting on U.S. soil. (Both of these attacks were committed by jihadists.)
  • A tally which fails to include certain other jihadist and right-wing attacks.
  • A tally which misreports certain attacks as “right-wing” or “far-right”.
  • A report which fails to include figures for Americans killed abroad.
  • A report which ignores foiled plots.
  • A report which ignores the number of non-fatal casualties.
  • A report which is not calibrated to consider the disproportionate focus of counter-terror analysis on Islamic terrorism.
  • A report which is not calibrated to consider the disproportionate number of attacks by Muslim extremists in relation to their lack of prevalence as a minority group.
  • A report which conflates several disparate ideological motivations for non-Islamic terrorism by lumping them all into the “far-right” bracket.
  • A report which ignores all terror attacks outside of the United States.
This narrow focus on terrorism committed within U.S. borders is particularly galling. According to the 2015 Global Terrorism Index published by Institute for Economics and Peaceonly 2.6 percent of terror related deaths occur in the West (for accuracy, this figure includes the September 11th attacks.) Furthermore, just 4 groups (Islamic State, Boko Haram, the Taliban, and al Qaeda) were responsible for 74% of the world’s terror related deaths in 2015 — and Islamic State and Boko Haram were responsible for over half of the world’s terrorism fatalities between them. It’s likely that there has been some fluctuation in these figures since the publishing of this data, but the point remains that the overwhelming majority of terror attacks occur in countries outside of the West and that they are committed by Islamic extremists. And so the insistence that our gaze should never stray from terrorism within U.S. borders further skews that data and buries the victims of these attacks figuratively, often before they’ve even been buried literally.
It’s often said, that the biggest victims of Islamic terrorism are Muslims. This is undoubtedly true. It’s odd then that those who claim to concern themselves with the welfare of Muslims should spend so much of their time smugly undermining threats to their safety. 

Friday, May 5, 2017

For The Left, Socialism Denial Is Holocaust Denial

Socialism has been tested out more times and in more variations than probably any other social system, It has been implemented in every continent, every culture, every stage of economic development. It has always led to disaster, to the extent it has been implemented. If you’re lucky, your country gets off with a mere economic crisis, as in Greece. At the worst, your country is in for decades of living hell.
This, too, should be seared into our brains so that we never forget and never repeat it again. Because it hasn’t been, somebody is always trying to make us repeat it.


We have perfectly functional markets in all sorts of life-and-death goods. They expect you to pay up at the grocery store, too, but poor people are not starving in the American streets, because we came up with this so-crazy-it-just-might-work idea of giving poor people money and money analogues (such as food stamps) to pay for food. It is not a perfect system, but it is preferable, as we know from unhappy experiences abroad, to having the government try to run the farms, as government did in the Soviet Union, or the grocery stores, as government does in hungry, miserable Venezuela. The Apple Store has its shortcomings, to be sure, but I’d rather have a health-care system that looks like the Apple Store than one that looks like a Venezuelan grocery store.

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/447361/heath-care-reform-no-cure-scarcity

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Cut Health Costs or Help Workers. You Can't Do Both.

Much as we’d love to think that it’s all insurance company profits and outrageously priced “me too” drugs, the main reason that American health care costs so much is the number of procedures we do, and the price of those procedures. And health-care labor is a huge portion of those costs. For example, it makes up about half of hospital costs, despite the fact that hospitals are enormous buildings containing an awful lot of high-tech equipment and pricey medicines.
It's theoretically possible that we could demand that all those folks take a pay cut. But so far, as the Official Blog Spouse chronicles, the U.S. political system hasn't even been able to get doctors to take a cut in their Medicare reimbursements, much less their whole incomes. Here's the basic electoral math: If you try to cut the incomes of doctors, nurses, radiology techs, phlebotomists, etc., voters may be glad of the price break, but I'd be surprised if 1 percent would go to the polls and vote for you because you're the guy who cut doctor reimbursements by 17 percent. On the other hand, 100 percent of the doctors, nurses, radiology techs and phlebotomists will storm the voting places and make sure that they cast their vote against the jerk who wants to cut their incomes and, oh, by the way, destroy American health care.



Thursday, February 9, 2017

The Real Inequality

Federal workers’ pay and benefits were 78 percent higher than private employees, who earned an average of $52,688 less than public sector workers last year.
The study found that federal government workers earned an average of $84,153 in 2014, compared to the private sector’s average of $56,350. Cato based its findings on figures from the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA).
But when adding in benefits pay for federal workers, the difference becomes more dramatic. Federal employees made $119,934 in total compensation last year, while private sector workers earned $67,246, a difference of over $52,000, or 78 percent.


Image result for obama treason occupy democrats

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Obama's Record

Nice summary of the downsides.