Thursday, March 4, 2010

Missed Opportunity

Holman Jenkins had a good column in the WSJ yesterday:

Here he talks about a quote from Obama on his objection to “catastrophic” insurance coverage:

"I'm buying that to protect me from some catastrophic situation; otherwise, I'm just paying out of pocket. I don't go to the doctor. I don't get preventive care. There are a whole bunch of things I just do without. But if I get hit by a truck, maybe I don't go bankrupt."

We won't unpack the assumptions in this rant: That the affluent, educated beneficiaries of this tax loophole aren't capable of spending wisely on their own health care.

I think that is a key part of the liberal mindset on healthcare. If we allow people to spend their own money, they will buy TV’s with it and won’t get the care they need. Basically, the government needs to take your money and force you to spend it on what they think is right. That applies to all their economic policies. Liberals think that’s OK, and conservatives don’t. Turns his whole authority concept sideways.

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