Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The History of the Economic Meltdown

On the one hand, we have the likes of Barack Obama, Elizabeth Warren, Barney Frank, the Occupy clown show, etc., doing a sort of John Adams chorus: “Greed! Greed! Billionaires! Greed! Greed! Wall Street Greed!” And the response from the responsible Right is: “Because most PMBS held by financial institutions were rated AAA, they were used by many banks and other financial firms for short-term collateralized borrowing through repurchase agreements,” a sentence that appears in the introduction (!) to Wallison’s book.

The opening sentence of the next chapter is: “This chapter will explain the crucial relationship between mortgage underwriting standards and mortgage defaults.”

“Greed! Greed! Billionaires! Greed! Greed! Wall Street Greed!”

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